Consume less, consciously, & contribute GOOD

GOOD group ATX is on a mission to build wardrobes that are GOOD for the planet & its people through events, community, & creative collaborations. We specialize in high impact, high quality clothing swap events for everyBODY every season.

Our vision + values

Our vision is a fashion culture that utilizes existing clothing items instead of demanding new production, creating a circular economy.

We’re big fans of swapping, upcycling, outfit repeating, borrowing, repairing, creative styling, & second-hand, local shopping.

  • We’ve noticed a lot of greenwashing in the fashion industry so we’ve vowed to be radically transparent, sharing everything we can - sources, mistakes, cries for help, etc. You can find our findings in our GOOD reports on Instagram after each event.

    The Importance of Transparency in the Fashion Industry

  • Since the beginning, we’ve wanted everyone and anyone to be apart of GOOD group. We originally started out as GOOD girls, rooted in eco-feminism, but shortly found out that our name was deterring people from joining. As of July 2022, we changed our name to GOOD group and continue to strive for diversity & inclusivity among our group & the fashion industry.

  • 1) We empower our community to join our journey and create their own.

    2) We participate in uncovering the truth within the impacts (positive and negative) that our actions have on our communities/planet.

    3) We're constantly experimenting and discovering ways to improve our own processes and the relationship our communities have with the planet and its people.

  • We’re not afraid to work slowly and intentionally. Our responses may be slower than normal because we’re off nurturing our own creativity (and we encourage you to do the same). Slow growth is GOOD for the planet & its people.

We work with: